When you purchase insurance, you are determining how you’d like to handle the liability if something goes wrong. When looking for insurance, make sure you have all of the details you’ll need to get a precise offer. Normally, you will consult your agent to...
There are instances where unexpected events occur at any time. There is no such thing as an impregnable company. The unforeseen can be the company’s biggest weakness if you aren’t prepared. A company’s reputation and resilience are affected by how it...
Workers’ Compensation is an insurance policy that protects your business from financial loss when an employee suffers work-related injury or illness. It is important for your employees to have peace of mind knowing that if the worst case scenario should occur,...
Your business NEEDS General Libility insurance to ensure financial security. When business owners think of liability insurance, they think of state-mandated Worker’s Compensation insurance. Did you know that this is not enough coverage to protect your business?...
What is employers liability insurance? Employers liability insurance helps protect your business from financial losses if an employee or third party files a lawsuit against you because of a work-related injury, illness or death. If you don’t have this type of...
End of Year Insurance Checklist As you Review the Year, there are some Things you’ll Want to Share with your Insurance Agent It has been a rather unusual year for everyone, and as we near the end of 2020 it’s a good time to take inventory, reflect...