Your business NEEDS General Libility insurance to ensure financial security.
When business owners think of liability insurance, they think of state-mandated Worker’s Compensation insurance. Did you know that this is not enough coverage to protect your business?
Worker’s Comp covers illness and injury of employees, but not third parties! Your LLC could be sued by a third party and your business would be liable for court-ordered damages. In short, you could end up owing someone enough money to drive your business into the ground.
General Liability safeguards your business’s finances. Here are some situations that General Liability can help with:
A customer is injured on your property
A client is injured as a result of the service you provide
A contractor, like a lawn service, is injured on your property
A customer’s property is damaged at or because of your business
An employee makes a harmful mistake when performing a service
A contractor’s property is damaged because of a customer, while working for your business
A third-party’s reputation is damaged by your business
Errors in advertising (copyright infringement)
Legal expenses for lawsuits related to these situations
Essentially, General Liability insurance covers personal harm to anyone who is not an employee, such as contractors, clients, and customers.
You may be thinking: “I already have Professional Liability insurance. Isn’t that the same thing?” Actually, they are different! General Liability insurance covers personal harm to a third-party, whereas Professional Liability insurance covers financial harm. They may seem the same, but could become separate, expensive lawsuits.
Don’t get stuck paying third-party damages out of pocket! These situations may seem unlikely, but ONE lawsuit could cost you a whole year’s cash flow or MORE! Accidents happen, don’t let one cost you your business.
Protect your Clients— Protect your Legacy.